Ribeye, Pak choi, Teriyaki sauce
8oz Ribeye
Vine cherry tomato
1x Pack Pak choi
1x Chilli
10g Ginger
1x Clove garlic
85g Light brown soft sugar
70ml Light soy sauce
1 Large garlic clove, crushed
4cm Piece ginger, peeled and finely grated
1 tbsp Cornflour
1 tbsp Rice wine vinegar

Recipe by @philvickery3
Take your shallot and peel it, finely slice and add to a pan with a knob of butter in on a low temperature add the pepper corns, cook for 2 minutes, and add your brandy, reduce by half. Add the beef stock and bring to the boil, add the cream, and cook for 3-4minutes. Season.
On a tray add the tomato and lightly season with salt and oil, roast at 180 degrees for approx. 6 minutes.
Take the Pak choi out of the packet and take the root off, wash thoroughly and blanch in water for 1-2minutes. While the Pak choi is cooking bring a pan to a medium heat and add the ginger chilli and garlic when the Pak choi is ready add to the pan and mix well. Remove and serve.
Pour 350ml water into a small saucepan with the sugar, soy sauce, garlic and ginger. Slowly bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally until the sugar has dissolved. Cook for 5 mins more or until glossy and slightly thickened. Combine the cornflour with 1 tbsp water and quickly whisk through the sauce. Whisk through the rice wine vinegar. If it’s still too thick, add a splash more water